Betts, G.H. – How to Teach Religion

In this work, How to Teach Religion Betts (Methodist Episcopal) explains how a person teaches religion. He begins with the person of the teacher, then the great objective, a fourfold foundation (right aims, material, organization, and presentation), religious knowledge, religious attitude, connecting instruction with life and conduct, the subject matter of religious education, organization of the material, the technique, making truth vivid, types of teaching, and methods,

Machen, J.G. – Importance of Christian Scholarship

In Importance of Christian Scholarship by Machen, he examines why Christians should be extremely concerned with excellence in education. The first section is Christian excellence in education’s bearing on evangelism. The second section is its bearing on the defence of the faith, our basic foundational beliefs, and the third section is its bearing on the building up of the church.

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