Category Archives: Apologetics
Barnes Manual of Prayer
Barnes Manual of Prayer is a short work with example prayers on different topics which we should be using in our prayers.
Benson Manual of Intercessory Prayer
This work is divided into various parts. The first part is a study on prayer, and the later parts are sample prayers. I believe Benson is either a Catholic or Anglican priest. At first glance (me being Protestant), I would say that I dislike the idea of “canned prayers” altogether. After reading through some of these prayers though, I began to realize that Benson focuses this work on assembling preciously worded prayers for every occasion. I think the meaningless repetition of prayer is useless and a sin, but I must admit that some of these prayers are nicely worded for public services or for certain occasions when “you just don’t know how to pray for somebody.” See 117 A Prayer for Lunatics for example. Excellent little prayer.
Greear, D. – Evidences of the Christian Faith
This is a 12 chapter work dealing with Christianity in general. It looks at the existence of God, the uniqueness of Christianity and the Bible, and different other items like the resurrection, the deity of Christ, Science and the Bible, etc.
Alexander, A. – Evidences of the Christian Religion
This is an apologetics book defending Christianity.