– Evangelism



Evangelism is the duty of every Christian. Whether you share your faith a lot or a little, the Lord wants Christians to share the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Below are articles that can help you tell others about Jesus.

This is a 21 chapter work on evangelism which are taken from’s site. They examine various issues in evangelism and evangelizing such as foundations, why?, the four spiritual laws, actually leading someone to Christ, Gospel tracts, and various chapters on how to witness.

CONTENTS of Evangelism

01. Why Should We Witness to People? Issues and Answers
02. Foundations are First
03. Three Important Verses For Witnessing
04. Salvation is God’s Work
05. How to Memorize Scripture
06. The Importance of Prayer in Evangelism
07. The Do’s and Don’t’s of Witnessing
08. Law and Gospel
09. The Four Spiritual Laws
10. Christian CPR
11. Leading Someone to the Lord
12. Trust God and Go Witness
13. When to use Gospel Tracts in Evangelism
14. Evangelism in a Small Town Part 1
15. Evangelism in a Small Town Part 2
16. Knock,Knock!
17. Isolating the Gospel – video
Ray Comfort
18. How to Justify Sailing Past Sinners
Questions about Evangelism
19. What do you say to someone who doesn’t believe the Bible is God’s word?
20. How do you present the gospel properly?
21. What should I say if someone asks me if I’m a Christian?

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Date:February 4, 2015
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Date:April 7, 2015

fam50 The Christian as a Worker
examines work, work ethics, and what the Bible commands Christians concerning work.
Excerpt: Since the creation of the human being, God has given men work to do. Even in the garden, their principal work was to dress and keep (guard) the garden, their source of food. So, God wants man to be occupied (to always work). There is a saying that “idle hands are the devil's workshop.” It is certain that people do not know how to handle prosperity. Just look at the sins people get into in their retirement. In God’s eyes, they dedicate their lives at that point to things without eternal value. God knows that if man focuses on surviving, on sustaining himself and family, etc. that he is less inclined to sin and get into idle vices. Psalms 128:2 For thou shalt eat the labor of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. There is nothing better than working hard and enjoying the fruit of your labors.
Read the Tract fam50 The Christian as a Worker.

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