Austin-Sparks, T. – Overcomer Testimony

Overcomer Testimony

by T. Austin-Sparks

First published in “A Witness and A Testimony” magazines, 1945-46

In this short work (3 chapters) by Austin-Sparks (Deeper Life), he presents the testimony of an overcomer: overcomer testimony, the nature and function of overcomers, and the prize of the on-high calling Overcomer Testimony

Cox A Study on the Trinity
is a short 32-page work on the Trinity with special attention applied towards Muslims and Jehovah's Witnesses. Chapters: 1. God is One Monotheism. | 2. Why God is one, but has to be three persons in that one God: Love needs three people. | 3. Other Consideration that God has to be three persons. | 4. God the Father is God | 5. Jesus is God | 6. The Holy Spirit is God. | 7. Unacceptable explanations of the Trinity. | 8 Conclusion. Alternate Download Site:

CONTENTS of Overcomer Testimony

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 – The Nature and Function of Overcomers
Chapter 3 – The Prize of the On-High Calling

More Works from Austin-Sparks

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Date:February 4, 2015

ev02 Created or Evolved? A Refutation of Evolution
We look at why evolution is not science, but a misplaced faith.
Topics: Evolution violates the First Law of Thermodynamics (the law of Conservation of Energy). | Evolution violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics (dissipation of energy). | The Law of Bio-Genesis where life can only come from some other pre-existent life, thus only perpetuating its own type. | There is no evidence in the fossil registry that supports evolution. | The fossil registry has failed to document even a single “missing link” that would verify beyond doubt the link between ape and man. Java Man-Ape, Piltdown | Evolution fails to explain the existence of even a “simple cell.”
Read the Tract: ev02 Created or Evolved? A Refutation of Evolution.

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