Boettner Roman Catholicism

Roman Catholicism
By Lorraine Boettner

Dr. Boettner’s careful and accurate review of Roman Catholic theology and his thorough and Biblical refutation of it has long been a masterpiece on the subject. The nineteen chapters cover every aspect of Romish belief and are presented here in five sections for the reader’s convenience. Combined with Hislop’s work, no more comprehensive review and exposure of the errors of Rome, their origin and their significance, exists in print.

Dagg Manual of Theology
(and links to this work in various other formats).
Dagg Manual of Theology (MySword for Android)
Dagg Manual of Theology (theWord Bible Format)
Dagg Manual of Theology (esword format)
Dagg Manual of Theology (PDF Format)


Section I

1. Introduction.
2. The Church
3. The Priesthood
4. Tradition
5. Peter

Section II

6. The Papacy
7. Mary
8. The Mass
9. The Confessional
10. Purgatory

Section III

11. The infallibility of the Pope
12. Penance & Indulgences
13. Ritualism
14. Celibacy
15. Marriage

Section IV

16. The Parochial School
17. By what moral standard
18. Intolerance, Bigotry, and Persecution
19. A System Tested by its fruits.

Boettner-catholicism Bok
3.6 MB
Date:February 4, 2015
Boettner-roman-catholicism Bok
3.6 MB
Date:February 4, 2015

pc56 Just Say no to Witchcraft! Understanding Witchcraft. we examine witchcraft in the light of the Bible, your will or accepting God's will.

Topics: What is Witchcraft? | How does one practice witchcraft? | The Importance of Rejecting Witchcraft | How do we reject it? | Conclusion.
Excerpt: We must worship that God, because He is our Creator, and we must seek his moral guidance in life, and for whatever matter that we need or want, we must go to Him first to see if it is what we should seek and ask God for (if it is His will for us). Having established this, witchcraft is to seek spirits or occult principles to get what we want (our own will).
pc56 Just Say no to Witchcraft! Understanding Witchcraft.

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