Alarm to the Unconverted is an old work about conversion and the unconverted. It is a good clear short treatment of what conversion “looks like”, as well as what the unconverted “looks like”.
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Austin-Sparks, T. – Pioneers of the Heavenly Way
In this 8 chapter book Austin-Sparks (Deeper life) presents to us the heavenly way examining the lives of Abraham, Moses, Jordan, the way to God’s end, taking possession of the heavenly land, and the significance of the Levites in relation to heavenly fullness.
Greear, D. – Evidences of the Christian Faith
This is a 12 chapter work on some of the evidences of the Christian Faith, such as the existence of God, the uniqueness of Christianity and the Bible, the reliability of the Bible, the testimony of archaeology to the Bible, issues between science and the Bible, fulfilled prophecy, the deity of Christ, the resurrection, and other things.
Kelly, W. – Intoductory Lectures – The Bible (cmt)
This is William Kelly (Plymouth Brethren) complete Old and New Testament Lectures. Note that these are not extensively detailed in every verse of the Bible, but there is a lot of commentary in this work.
Mercer, A.G. – Bible Characters
This is Dr. Mercer’s book on Bible Characters: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Esau, Jacob’s Vision, Joseph, Caleb, Joshua, Eli, David, Jabez, Mary, John the Baptist, Nicodemus, Simon Peter, Zaccheus, Pontius Pilate, Judas Iscariot, Stephen, Saul of Tarsus, Paul and Barnabus, Paul at Athens, Gallio, Paul before Felix, Paul at Melita.