Kulikovsky Interpretation of Parables, Allegories & Types is a very short 1 chapter work on the interpretation of Parables.
Tag Archives: Allegories
McFadyen The Message of the Parables
McFadyen The Message of the Parables is another standard work on the NT parables. Note that this work is seen from a “teacher’s view point” with the first three chapters on Jesus’ use of parables as a teaching method, and another chapter on the parable as an allegory, another on interpetation of parables.
Broadus, J.A. – On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons
This is a work of 5 lectures in Seminary by professor Broadus to his students.
Barrows, E.P. – Companion to the Bible
This is a Bible Companion Manual, with 39 chapters on various topics of the Bible, for example: the Genuineness of the Gospels, the preservation of the Gospels, the disputed books, Inspiration and canon, OT and NT relationships, authorship of the Pentateuch, formation of the canon, ancients versions, apocryphal books of OT, principles of Biblical Interpretation, figures in Scripture and Types, Interpreting prophecy.
Barry Parables of the Old Testament
(1846) This work is a treatment of the Parables and other types of illustrative material in the Old Testament, by Alfred Barry, Lord Bishop of Sydney, and Primate of Autralia and Tasmania.