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Stevenson Studies in Systematic Theology

Studies in Systematic Theology

by John Stevenson

Summary of Stevenson Studies in Systematic Theology

Stevenson Studies in Systematic Theology is a 40 chapter systematic theology by Stevenson (Reformed).

Scofield Plain Papers on the Holy Spirit is a work of 5 chapters by the editor of the Scofield Bible, C.I. Scofield. He was a great biblical scholar. I am presenting this work in various formats.
PDF: Scofield Plain Papers on the Holy Spirit
theWord: Scofield Plain Papers on the Holy Spirit
eSword: Scofield Plain Papers on the Holy Spirit
MySword: Scofield Plain Papers on the Holy Spirit

Evaluation by David Cox

Stevenson is a Reformed theologian. This work is a nice sized theology work, not excessively long and detailed, and yet at the same time, not  skimpy.

I would warn against Calvinism and Reformed theology, but in general I would recommend this work.

Chapter Content of Stevenson Studies in Systematic Theology


Has God Spoken? The Doctrine of Revelation
Who Wrote the Bible? The Doctrine of Inspiration
Are the Right Books in the Bible? The Doctrine of Canonicity
Has the Bible Been Changed? The Doctrine of Textual Criticism
In Search of Anceint Manuscripts. The Tools of Textual Criticism
With Men of Other Tongues. The Process of Translation
What does the Bible Say About Itself? The Bible on the Bible


Knowing God – The Ultimate Calling
Is Anybody Up There? – The Question of the Existence of God
God’s Calling Card – The Names of God
What is God Like? – The Nature and Attributes of God
Is there One God or Three? – The Triune God
Predestination – Part 1: The Plan of God
Predestination – Part 2: Predestination and Election in Salvation
Predestination – Part 3: The Justice of God’s Election
Angels: The Messengers of God
Anthropology: The Study of Man


Jesus the Messiah – Prophecies of the Christ
Who is Jesus? – Names and Titles for Christ
God In Flesh Appearing – Understanding the Incarnation


The Atonement – What Christ Accomplished
Soteriology – The Doctrine of Salvation
Propitiation – The Work that Satisfies
Redemption – How we have been made Free
Justification – Our Righteous Standing
Regeneration – The Doctrine of the New Birth
Lordship Salvation – The Importance of a Faith that Works
How or When is a Person Truly Saved? – Article by Pat Deedigan, used by Permission
Eternal Security A short study of the question of Eternal Security
Eternal Security and Reformed Theology – A Chart contrasting the positions of Eternal Security with Reformed Theology
Ecclesiology – The Study of the Church
Theonomy – The proper use of the Law today
The Sabbath – Saturday or Sunday as a Day of Worship?
Eschatological Views – A brief survey of the various views of Future Prophecy

Stevenson Studies in Systematic Theology

Tract: bs54 Why do Arabs hate Jews?
We explain this hatred in light of Satan hatred toward God and God's chosen people.
Topics: The Spiritual Battle | God Chose a People for Himself | Satan Hates God | Isaac against Ismael | The Prophetic Calendar | 1.) The Rapture of the Church | 2) The Beginning of the Seven Years of Tribulation. | The Battle of Armageddon | Lessons to Never Forget.
Excerpt: 1. God has everything under control. Things go according to His plans.
2. All of this is the beginning, and it will get worse.
3. The Christian hopes for the rapture, and we will leave.
4. The hatred of the world comes because we identify as God’s people, separate from sin, holy unto Him.

Read the Tract: bs54 Why do Arabs hate Jews?

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