Bronson, C.W. – Extent of the Atonement

The Extent of the Atonement
by Charles W. Bronson

In this 8 chapter book, Bronson examines the Atonement. He presents the legal penalty required, God’s purpose in Christ, an application of the Atoement, the Atonement in Typology, objections, etc.

Charles Wesley Bronson was born and reared in the tiny village of Muncie, Kansas during the worst part of the depression. The author’s father was an old time Baptist preacher and his sermons left an indelible impression on the author who was hardly more than a baby. These were days when men preached righteousness from God’s Holy Word, and Bronson seems to have caught some of the charisma that rested on his father. When he came of age, he felt impelled to preach the gospel of Gods’ grace. He has had wide and varied experiences in the ministry and has held various pastorates including some 7 years as a missionary to Korea. He learned to love the Korean people while in the service of his country during the Korean War. His only desire has been to preach Christ crucified, saying, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” He feels perhaps the message most needed today is the fact that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent.

Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling
is a 13 chapter work on how the Christian's relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ should be. Chapters are... Carnal Christians, The Self Life, Waiting on God, Entrance into Rest, the Kingdom First, Christ our Life, Christ's Humility our Salvation, Complete Surrender, Dead with Christ, Joy in the Holy Ghost, Triumph of Faith, Source of Power in Prayer, That God may be all in all.
PDF: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.
theWord: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.
MySword: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.
eSword: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.


I. Preliminary Considerations
II. The Extent of the Legal Penalty Required
III. God’s Covenant Purpose in Christ
IV. The Application of the Atonement
V. The Extent of the Atonement in Typology
VI. Objections Considered
VII. Conclusion
VIII. Bibliography


“Full atonement—can it be?” A question, I imagine, that is as old as Christianity That Christ died for sins is generally accepted. The question is, whose sins? Not His, for He was as a Lamb without spot or blemish.

Bro. C.W. (Chuck) Bronson has authored a most interesting and enlightening book on the central and perhaps the most important doctrine in the Bible, the atonement. As a young Christian I pondered this question: If Christ’s death is for my salvation and Christ died for all men, then why are all men not saved?

A clear understanding of the atonement is necessary to understand the great and deep teachings of the Holy Scriptures. May God grant each reader the grace to search the Scriptures and prove all things. An open mind and an open Bible will, I believe, reveal that what Bro. Bronson has set forth herein is the true teaching of God’s word. My thanks to Bro. Bronson for this timely message. — R.R. McTaggart

(Bro. Mc Taggert has been an active member and deacon of Grace Baptist Church, of which Bro. Bronson is presently pastor, for the past 12 years and has been active in Christian service for 18 years.)


Charles Wesley Bronson was born and reared in the tiny village of Muncie, Kansas during the worst part of the depression. This was in the dust bowl and the parched, cracked ground cried for rain from above. These were days when men preached righteousness from God’s Holy Word. The author’s father was an old time Baptist preacher and his sermons left an indelible impression on the author who was hardly more than a baby. He seems to have caught some of the charisma that rested on his father for he too, when he came of age. felt impelled to preach the gospel of Gods’ grace. He has had wide and varied experiences in the ministry and has held various pastorates including some 7 years as a missionary to Korea. While there he learned to love the Korean people while in the service of his country there during the Korean War. His only desire has been to preach Christ crucified, saying “He must increase, but I must decrease.” He feels perhaps the message most needed today is the fact that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent. The author is available for evangelistic service wherever the Lord may lead and wants to share his message with the Lord’s people everywhere.


This work was undertaken while home on furlough from Korea and is the result of long hours of study and research on the subject of the atonement. While perhaps something more definitive on the subject is yet required I would hope that it might provoke people to think more about the subject “For whom did Jesus die?” It is to be expected that some will take exception to some statements and some of my personal opinions on the subject. This will be no doubt due, in part, to the controversial nature of the subject. However, I have no de-sire for controversy with any person but only a desire for the promulgation of truth. It is my earnest belief that the ancient Puritans came perhaps closer to the truth on the subject of the atonement than any of our more modern theologians have done. I believe God would have us return to the old landmarks of the past, saying “this is the way, walk ye in it.” Above all, may all who read this book be made to catch something of that great love of Jesus Christ, our Great Shepherd, who loved us so that He gave himself over to the hands of His enemies and was obedient even unto death, the cruel death of the cross.

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Date:February 4, 2015

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