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Kinkead Explanation of Baltimore Catechism (Catholic)

Kinkead Explanation of Baltimore Catechism (Catholic) is a work explaining the Baltimore Catechism by Kinkead. These chapters are questions and answers with expanded explanations.

An Explanation of The Baltimore Catechism of Christian Doctrine
For The Use of Sunday-School Teachers and Advanced Classes
(Also known as Baltimore Catechism No. 4)
byRev. Thomas L. Kinkead

This is a work explaining the Baltimore Catechism by Kinkead. These chapters are questions and answers with expanded explanations. Read online here.

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PDF: Torrey How to bring men to Christ
theWord: Torrey How to bring men to Christ
MySword: Torrey How to bring men to Christ
eSword: Torrey How to bring men to Christ

CONTENTS of Kinkead Explanation of Baltimore Catechism (Catholic)


The Lord’s Prayer
The Angelical Salutation
The Apostles’ Creed
The Confiteor
An Act of Faith
An Act of Hope
An Act of Love
An Act of Contrition
The Blessing before Meals
Grace after Meals
The Manner in Which a Lay Person Is to Baptize in Case of Necessity


Lesson 1–On the End of Man
Lesson 2–On God and His Perfections
Lesson 3–On the Unity and Trinity of God
Lesson 4–On Creation
Lesson 5–On Our First Parents and the Fall
Lesson 6–On Sin and Its Kinds
Lesson 7–On the Incarnation and Redemption
Lesson 8–On Our Lord’s Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension
Lesson 9–On the Holy Ghost and His Descent upon the Apostles
Lesson 10–On the Effects of the Redemption
Lesson 11–On the Church
Lesson 12–On the Attributes and Marks of the Church
Lesson 13–On the Sacraments in General
Lesson 14–On Baptism
Lesson 15–On Confirmation
Lesson 16–On the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Ghost
Lesson 17–On the Sacrament of Penance
Lesson 18–On Contrition
Lesson 19–On Confession
Lesson 20–On the Manner of Making a Good Confession
Lesson 21–On Indulgences
Lesson 22–On the Holy Eucharist
Lesson 23–On the Ends for which the Holy Eucharist Was Instituted
Lesson 24–On the Sacrifice of the Mass
Lesson 25–On Extreme Unction and Holy Orders
Lesson 26–On Matrimony
Lesson 27–On the Sacramentals
Lesson 28–On Prayer
Lesson 29–On the Commandments of God
Lesson 30–On the First Commandment
Lesson 31–The First Commandment–On the Honor and Invocation of the Saints
Lesson 32–From the Second to the Fourth Commandment
Lesson 33–From the Fourth to the Seventh Commandment
Lesson 34–From the Seventh to the Tenth Commandment
Lesson 35–On the First and Second Commandments of the Church
Lesson 36–On the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Commandments of the Church
Lesson 37–On the Last Judgment and Resurrection, Hell, Purgatory and Heaven

More Works on Catechisms and Creeds

Baltimore catechism of Christian doctrine
Baltimore catechism of Christian doctrine
Version: 1
1.9 MB

Tract: bs54 Why do Arabs hate Jews?
We explain this hatred in light of Satan hatred toward God and God's chosen people.
Topics: The Spiritual Battle | God Chose a People for Himself | Satan Hates God | Isaac against Ismael | The Prophetic Calendar | 1.) The Rapture of the Church | 2) The Beginning of the Seven Years of Tribulation. | The Battle of Armageddon | Lessons to Never Forget.
Excerpt: 1. God has everything under control. Things go according to His plans.
2. All of this is the beginning, and it will get worse.
3. The Christian hopes for the rapture, and we will leave.
4. The hatred of the world comes because we identify as God’s people, separate from sin, holy unto Him.

Read the Tract: bs54 Why do Arabs hate Jews?

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