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Gleghorn Urantia Book©

Gleghorn Urantia Book©

by Michael Gleghorn

Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling
is a 13 chapter work on how the Christian's relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ should be. Chapters are... Carnal Christians, The Self Life, Waiting on God, Entrance into Rest, the Kingdom First, Christ our Life, Christ's Humility our Salvation, Complete Surrender, Dead with Christ, Joy in the Holy Ghost, Triumph of Faith, Source of Power in Prayer, That God may be all in all.
PDF: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.
theWord: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.
MySword: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.
eSword: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.

Summary of Gleghorn Urantia Book©

This is a single chapter work by Gleghorn (Probe) on the Urantia religion. Their “scriptures” is the book of Urantia. His sections run: The Origin of the Urantia Papers,and The Bible and The Urantia Book. Michael Gleghorn takes a hard look at the claims of The Urantia Book and finds it lacking in substance and evidence.  Compared to the evidence supporting a Christian, biblical worldview, this book and its associated cult members are simply spouting unsupported nonsense.

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pc85 Carl Jung and Psychology
explains the origin of Psychology with spiritist Jung, which had contact with a spiritual guide. Psychology is from a spiritist, who got the "science" of psychology (which is in no way a science or scientific) from a spirit, Philemon. (This is a demon speaking to a human, which is a medium, and prohibited in the Old Testament.) I analyze what Jung says with Scripture.
Topics: The Foundation of Psychology | Psychology is not a True Science | Psychology versus Psychoanalysis | The True Origin of Psychology: Philemon | Darkness versus Light | Ying and Yang | What Fellowship does Light have with Darkness? | Spiritism is Prohibited | Conclusion
pc85 Carl Jung and Psychology.

MySwordmodules is a website dedicate to the MySword Bible Program for Androird devices. We host MySword Modules.

How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation
is help from a veteran missionary of over 30+ years on his opinions and suggestions.
Topics: How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation | Money, Finances, and Expenses | "In-kind" helps | How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation continued | More Missionary Needs | A loaned Vehicle | More Articles on Missionary Helps.
Read the Article: How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation.