Person of Christ

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Bellett, J.G. – The Son of God

The Son of God.
J. G. Bellett.

This is a short (6 chapters) book on Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Each chapter deals with a phrase in Scripture dealing with Jesus as the Son of God. 1. John 1:18 – only begotten Son; 2. John 1:14 – the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us; 3.  Heb 2:13 – I will put my trust in Him; 4.  1Tim 3:16 – received up into glory; 5.  Heb 2:8 – hast put all things in subjection under his feet; 6.  1Co 15:28 the Son Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him.

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Bellett-son-of-god Bok
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Coates-Raven-Stoney-Taylor – The Person of Christ

The Person of Christ
By F. E. Raven, J. B. Stoney,C. A. Coates and J. Taylor

The Person of Christ is a composition of four Brethren authors: Coates, Raven, Stoney, and Taylor, and their writings about the person of Christ. Continue reading

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Coates-Raven-Stoney-Taylor-The Person of Christ
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