Spiritual Warfare

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Gurnall, W. – The Christian In Complete Armour

The Christian In Complete Armour
By William Gurnall (1657)
Christian In Complete Armour

This is an older work, but none-the-less an excellent work on the subject of Christian warefare. Gurnall has 2 volumes: Vol 1: A Sweet and Powerful Encouragement to the War; Directions for managing this War successfully; the reason why the Christian must be armed, ‘That ye may be able to stand’; the nature of the War, and character of the Assailants; the Assailants described Positively; a Second Exhortation to Arm, and an Argument urging the Exhortation; First Piece—The Christian’s Spiritual Girdle; Sincerity strengthens the Christian’s Spirit; Second Piece—The Christian’s Breastplate; Third Piece—The Christian’s Spiritual Shoe. Vol 2: Fourth Piece—The Christian’s Spiritual Shield; the Saint’s Enemy Described; Fifth Piece—The Christian’s Helmet; Sixth Piece—The Christian’s Sword; the necessary duty of the Christian, as clothed in the Whole Armour of God: or, how the Spiritual Panoply may alone be kept furbished; How to perform the duty commanded—a directory for prayer; the Inward Principle of Prayer; the Duty of every Christian in complete Armour to aid by Prayer. Continue reading

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Gurnall-armor Bok
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Anderson, K. – Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare
Written by Kerby Anderson

In this one chapter work by Anderson (Probe), Spiritual Warfare,  he examines Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Battles, The Three Ws, The World-the Flesh-the Devil, How does spiritual warfare affect us? Spiritual Weapons

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Anderson-spiritual-warfare Bok
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