Summary of American King James Version [AKJV]
This Bible is the American King James Version.
The American King James Version is a new English edition of the Holy Bible by Michael Peter (Stone) Engelbrite, based on the King James Version. According to Michael Peter (Stone) Engelbrite, it is a simple word for word update from the King James English. Care has been taken to change nothing doctrinally, but to simply update the spelling and vocabulary. The grammar has not been changed to avoid altering the doctrine.
Michael Engelbrite, whose credentials and aptitude for translating Hebrew and Greek so far have not been verified, has put his American King James version of the Bible into the public domain on November 8, 1999. In a note distributed with the translation, he stated, “You may use it in any manner you wish: copy it, sell it, modify it, etc. You can’t copyright it or prevent others from using it. A special thanks to Tye Rausch and Eve Engelbrite who helped tremendously on this project. You can’t claim that you created it, because you didn’t.” from
T.R. Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine is a Bible Doctrines book of 43 chapters. The author is (according to the Introduction) "systematic, Calvinistic, Baptist, and premillennial". I am offering this work in various formats:
PDF: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.pdf
Microsoft Word DOCX: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.docx
OpenOffice ODT: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.odt
EPUB: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.epub
theWord: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.twm
eSword: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.topx
MySword: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.mybible
Download of American King James Version [AKJV]
Download: American King James Version [AKJV]
American King James Version [AKJV]
pc56 Just say no to witchcraft! We examine what witchcraft is and how it is contrary to us depending on God for everything in our lives.
Topics: What is Witchcraft? | How do you Practice Witchcraft? Occult Principles (or Spells). Refutation. Spiritual Guides | The Importance of Rejecting It | How to Reject it? | Conclusion.
Excerpt from the Tract: The Druids and people who believe in Mother Earth are people who have taken up this concept today, such that the ecological movement and to protect the earth and save it “from human beings” as if we are invaders of our own planet earth, or we are parasites on her.
Read the Tract: cp56 Just say no to witchcraft!.